Instytut Badań Samorządowych (Institute of Local Government Research) is a research brand, distinguishing thanks to the excellent knowledge of the specificity and nature of local government politics. Each gmina (commune), town or region is different and we have the knowledge and experience how to conduct the research projects in order to reliably present opinions and views of the local community.
Our goal is to provide complex and in-depth knowledge regarding the situation in the town or region. By our research, we try to define the residents’ needs. On the basis of the results, our experts prepare recommendations for the directions of the actions which the local government should follow.
We check the support for candidates for town mayors and election committees to the city council. We also check the support for political parties in a given town, district, voivodeship, and additionally we regularly carry out the Samorządowy Ranking Zaufania (Local Government Trust Ranking) for key town mayors.
IBS performs evaluation research, necessary in implementation of strategic documents in each local government unit. The aim of the evaluation is to determine the adequacy and stage of achieving the purposes, as well as the efficiency and accuracy of taken actions. We also conduct qualitative research which is an ideal form of public consultation in the local government.
While conducting research in a town or region, IBS provides reliable knowledge about the needs of the residents, as well as their assessment of the town’s functioning. Thanks to this, local government officials may accurately set the direction of the town’s development, which is crucial not only in daily functioning but also in making strategic decisions.
Our team consists of professionals in the field of research and analyses
While carrying out each research project, we set all issues individually in order to choose the best method and scope of research. Thanks to this, we are able to respond to various needs and expectations of clients, as well as different research subjects. We also use our proprietary, innovative analytical tools which allow us to delve into the true meaning of the responders’ answers. We present the data by the use of interactive reports which allow to observe the trends and show more research data than traditional research companies.
In cooperation with Instytut Badań Samorządowych (Institute of Local Government Research), the website has been created, containing a unique dose of knowledge about local governments. While preparing the content, the website bases on the experts’ knowledge and data from IBS research. Additionally, Instytut Badań Samorządowych (Institute of Local Government Research) – on the commission of Lokalna Polityka – prepares thematic reports regarding residents’ needs in the local governments.
Ogólnopolska Grupa Badawcza Sp. z o.o.
ul. Smoleńska 83/80
03-528 Warszawa