is the only website in Poland which focuses on tracking and analyzing the social trends among Poles. The website bases on statistical data, market research and analyses in order to describe the social changes taking place in Poland, as well as to forecast them for the future. The human being is always at the center of interest of
The goal of the website is to provide content on the key human-centered topics. The experts try to present the changing trends in social life, what determines these changes and how does it affect the situation on a national scale. The analyses, based on statistics and numbers, are presented in an accessible way.
The website analyses how the image of a human being in social relations has changed over the years, where is a person currently present on the labor market, as well as which purchasing trends are currently dominating in our market. The special edition is the topic “Poland after epidemic”, in which it is analysed how the coronavirus will affect 5 key industries.
Social forecasts will be available on the website soon. The main emphasis will be placed on experts’ predictions regarding the shape of social relations in the future. The changes of our consumer attitudes and behaviours on the labor market will be important as well. Global and European trends together with social tendencies will have a strong influence on the creation of social forecasts.
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ul. Smoleńska 83/80
03-528 Warszawa